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EDC operates under a fully integrated system that allows for significant customization by our programmers to specifically suit the requirements of our Customers and in-house users.  This ongoing customization has allowed our team to create a truly unique package. 

EDCTracker is designed to operate as one cohesive data tracking system, from product receipt to the final delivery at the end user's receiving dock. Our Warehouse Management Systems, we call it P2, and our Transportation Management System we call EDCTracker, are fully integrated to effectively manage inventory from product receipt to the ultimate destination. In addition, the Warehouse and Transportation Systems interface real time.

The EDC scanner employs Radio Frequency technology for barcode reading and verification, passive directed put away, inventory tracking and reporting.


The EDC web site is the source for reliable, up-to-the-minute, accessible information.  Our Scanners provides hourly updates to our website, allowing Customers to view delivery status and inventory levels online. 

Passwords and login ID’s are assigned so that authorized members of a Client’s organization can search for the data they desire.  Order tracking is also available on-line, and in cases where Nexus manages the shipment of the order, an image of the signed POD (Proof of Delivery) can also be accessed.


EDC’s Inventory Management System can interface with multiple EDI transaction sets in order to automate and streamline communications between EDC and Customers.  The use of EDI allows both EDC and Customers to be informed of changes in inventory and shipment status in a real time environment.

At EDC, we believe technology is about more than hardware and software. It's about “Peace of Mind”, efficiency and maintaining everything from inventory accuracy to positive customer relationships.

Our customers are very proud of our State-of-the-art systems (as they should be with any company you trust your transportation and deliveries to), and cutting-edge technologies are a common thread in everything we do.


Bar CodeOne of the key elements that has allowed EDC to become a leading service provider is its superior technology. An example of this is our Inventory Management System. Through our barcode scanning technology we can provide you with real-time web-based information on you inventory. The status of any item or order is just a finger touch away via the Internet. In additional this technology enables us to accurately manage your inventory while it's in our facility.


EDC has developed a custom system that accepts Advanced Shipment Notifications (ASN) and provides the functionality to scan your product at receipt to our warehouse, during outbound loading and at the delivery site. The system provides shortage and damage feedback to the Logistics Management System, which can be quickly communicated to our clients.


EDC has invested in an imaging system that allows us to scan all delivery documents and attach those images to the order in our system. This means that if a Proof of Delivery (POD) document is needed, it can be retrieved and emailed in a matter of seconds.

EDC is in the process of installing new Scanners and we will be able to give POD’s via emails from the customers’ site. You will have authentication of arrival, what was shipped, time and place of delivery, and who signed for it.


Today’s world demands accurate and timely information and EDC is prepared to meet that demand through the use of current technology in warehouse management. With our detailed and specifically tailored barcode system, each customer that stores their goods in our warehouse space has the assurance that their items are tracked from the moment they are delivered to our dock, to the time when they are stored, and finally, when they deliver out to their final destination.


Custom web-based interfaces have been developed to allow EDC's clients to easily view order information and track performance indicators. These web programs integrate directly with the other EDC systems so that the web-based data is real-time.


Optimization is only one piece of the puzzle in our Dispatch System.  The second piece is intelligent dispatching.  Our Dispatch System not only optimizes routes but it assigns them to the best-matched vehicles.  It examines every stop and decides which the best possible scenario is, then assigns a route to each vehicle based on several factors like quickest route, average speed of vehicle, load capacity, max. stops, etc.


Orders can be accepted utilizing an XML file format via email or uploading into the EDC’s FTP server. Orders may also be entered manually by utilizing EDC’s web-based application.


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